Custom endpoint failed in v1.23.0
Daniel Nguyen
Daniel Nguyen
in progress
Sorry working on it rn
Can the author check this bug please? I can not use this APP
since last release
Daniel Nguyen
realCrush: Are you able to use it with "Save (Skip Verification)"? Also looks like you're not using https, can you try with https?
Daniel Nguyen Yes, "Save (Skip Verification)" is fine, and my endpoint is not https, it's http, you are right. I also tried use a https proxy to wrap my endpoint and it works for BoltAI, however it increase the delay. Since in previous versions of BoltAI I can use http endpoint successfully, I believe this bug can be fixed.
Daniel Nguyen
realCrush: Yeah I'm trying to pin point the issue. So to confirm, it works with https but not with http. Is that correct?
Daniel Nguyen Yes
Daniel Nguyen
realCrush: Can you share the URL with me (no api key needed). My email
I suspect the issue is from the server as I was able to connect to my local http server just fine.
Daniel Nguyen I may not be able to share the address to you since it's a private url provided by my company 😢, however it's a simple deployment of NextChat( and the url is something like
By the way, just a day before BoltAI was updated, this endpoint was fully functional. After the update, it stopped working, so I believe the changes in BoltAI caused this issue. �
Daniel Nguyen
realCrush: I see. Is there any chance you can verify that you have access to that url? Try a different front-end for example?
Or you can use something like to see the inspect the request & response.
My guess is that there might be an issue between your computer and that server. As it works when it was routed via a different connection.
Daniel Nguyen I can access that endpoint through Alfred ChatGPT workflow, I can also just use Python requests to access it.
Daniel Nguyen the results in Proxyman is like this
Daniel Nguyen
realCrush Thanks. I mean can you try it with BoltAI, so I can see why it happens with Bolt and not with others. Maybe there are some query params that I miss
Daniel Nguyen Sure, here is
Daniel Nguyen
realCrush Can you try again a few times. Looks like it's an error from Proxyman. It should show an error code like 500 or something.
Daniel Nguyen I tried a few times and the returned results are the same: response code 999. However when I test the https proxy wrapped endpoint, it works and return code 200.
Daniel Nguyen
realCrush I see. Can you export the request to "Raw Request & Response" for the case it works, and the case it doesn't work.
You might need to open the exported files and mask out the API key or other sensitive data.
Code 999 just mean the server doesn't accept the request, can either because rate limiting (unlikely) or unsupported user agent.
I probably will allow setting custom user agent to avoid this.
My email
Daniel Nguyen Sure, I've send it to you
Daniel Nguyen
realCrush: I'm still unable to reproduce this issue. Does it still happen with the latest version?
Daniel Nguyen fixed, :)