o1-preview and o1-mini not visible through azure when adding the deployment and key.
Daniel Nguyen
Jaroo Ulj
Just a quick question to help me better structure prompts; I see it still follows system prompt instructions. Are you pre-pending the system prompt just once as user prompt at the start of the conversation only (or with every new message to keep it top of mind for the LLM)?
Daniel Nguyen
Jaroo Ulj: I add system instruction as a user message for every new message. You can set the System Instruction to null in the latest version (click Reset button next to its section)
Update: I add system instruction as a user message for every new message
Jaroo Ulj
Confirmed to work now, thanks!
Daniel Nguyen
Hi. I've fixed this in v1.29, can you confirm?
Jaroo Ulj
Oh this would require system prompt to be non-existent iirc
Daniel Nguyen
in progress
Jaroo Ulj
MacOS (latest)