New Line Formatting Not Supported in Chat Box
under review
Vincent Lu
"Hello, as a Chinese user, I often need to use the new line (shift+enter, alt+enter) text formatting to arrange documents when sorting text information. However, I have noticed that in the Boalai chat box, there is only the paragraph format and no concept of new line, which results in the output never being in the correct text layout. Is there any way to enhance the chat box to support line breaks (I have tried the chat layout options in settings, but they did not help) to make this app more convenient for me to use? Otherwise, I might consider reverting to the original service provided by the API provider. It's truly a pity, and hope for improvements. Thank you."
Vincent Lu
From my screenshot, it can be seen that my input text is arranged using new lines, but the model's output appears as a single string without line breaks. Due to this output result, I need to spend extra time formatting the generated content, which is inconvenient.
I haven't encountered this issue on the official chatbox pages of ChatGPT and Claude, so I would like to know if BoltAI can improve this. Thank you.
Daniel Nguyen
Vincent Lu: I see. Are you on macOS 12? I can't seem to reproduce this in my machine (macOS 14)
There are a few things to note here:
- By default, BoltAI expects the content to be in markdown format. And in markdown, you need to put a space between the dash character (-) and the text. (see screenshot, note how the last 3 items are in correct)
- Even if it doesn't render correctly, the content should be correct. You can click the copy button under the message and paste to other editor to verify. You can also disable markdown renderer to verify (in menu View > Markdown & Code Syntax)
Vincent Lu
Daniel Nguyen
I am a macOS 14 user.
Later, I discovered in other chat windows that if I ask the model to reply to me using code format, I can get the correctly formatted version with line breaks directly in the chat window.
For now, I will use this method to meet my needs. Thank you for your response.
Daniel Nguyen
under review
Can you share an example with a screenshot. I have hard time visualze what you're reporting.
BoltAI does support new line with shift+enter and alt+enter.
I'm confused as what the problem is?