In addition to the feature defined in the Multi-Level Folders feature request (i.e., the one that prompted me to come make this request), I would be curious to hear others' thoughts on having an (optional) inherited system instructions feature. There could be a Global System Instruction, and then folder-specific instructions.
For example, the
folder has its own instructions,
underneath has further instructions, and the conversation within Go about Gin has instructions (which exists now). The System Instructions in the Gin conversation would be updated to be evaluated as follows:
{{ Global Instructions }}
{{ Coding Folder's Instructions }}
{{ Go Folder's Instructions }}
{{ Gin Conversation's Instructions }}
This would solve a problem I have currently, where I have a "base" coding conversation that I "clone" when working with a specific language/framework. If I need to make changes to this "base" instruction, I have to edit each of the conversations that were cloned from that base conversation. Using this inherited system, I would be able to make changes to the "Coding Instructions" (by editing the Coding folder's System Instructions), and the
Go -> Gin
PHP -> Laravel
CSS -> Tailwind
conversations that live underneath Coding would automatically use those changes.
This would also help with a slightly related challenge where I have a base prompt that describes how I want GPT to respond, but it also has a bunch of coding-specific instructions in it. This means that when I'm discussing "Cooking", those coding instructions are included (despite the fact that they aren't used/relevant).
Cascading instructions would allow me to make changes at each level and have the conversation prepend each level along the way (it would probably be useful to show a preview of the full instructions in the conversation).