According to the AppleScript documentation ( ASLR_about_handlers.html# //apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000983-CH206-SW17 ), we can invoke commands from an app via AppleScript, which is very useful, as it allows us to implement some extensions to other software (such as PopClip and Raycast, etc.) and also allows us to automate some things. For example, Spotify supports the playpuase command, so we can control the play/pause of Spotify by simply running "tell application "Spotify" to playpause". So I hope this will be supported! I'm not familiar with the syntax of AppleScript, but I've looked at it briefly to see that it is possible to call certain commands that the app listens to, and pass some arguments, and it seems to be possible to modify some app state, so I'll look into it when I have time to look at what APIs are needed.